Robert Chr. van Ooyen

The new federal „Bundespolizeibeauftragte“ – and the long road controlling the police according to international standards

For over 20 years, human rights protection institutions at the UN and the Council of Europe have called on Germany to create independent and effective investigations of complaints against the police. Beyond the Hamburger Polizeikommission (1998 - 2001), it is only in recent years that the federal states and finally the federal “Ampel” government have set up “Polizeibeauftragte”– mostly against conservative resi­stance. The new federal Polizeibeauftragte at the Bundestag is responsible for the Bundespolizei, the Bundeskriminalamt and the Bundestagspolizei. He has the relevant skills and is independent as a “real” parliamentary delegate – but not “lowthreshold” in access for whistleblowers

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